Michael Moats Business Highlight

1. When did you start painting?
I have been painting and drawing for as long as I can recall, literally all the way back to kindergarten I remember creating art all the time. 
2. Favorite color palette?
I couldn’t even begin to narrow it down! I love all colors and tones so much and find myself constantly evolving, being influenced by new environments and experimenting with new palettes and styles. 
3. What do you do other than art?
I absolutely love hiking up at Mt Charleston whenever weather permits and dabbling in indoor and outdoor gardening at home. It helps  so much in keeping me grounded!
4. What are you manifesting right now?
I am 100% manifesting to expand my presence both online and locally within the arts and small business scene, finding more shops and boutiques to collaborate with which share a mutual vibe and focus on fun and fresh interior design and style. 
5. Why DTLV?
Because DTLV has such a great vibe and such an eclectic community of people! I love the camaraderie of dtlv small businesses and how we all have worked together to create such a unique destination.